Whole Self Recovery

A softer and more compassionate path to recovery

Whether you are trying to get one day without drinking or have been sober for three years, this intimate eight-week program is for you. I believe in a soft path to recovery and healing, and building a life we design is personal and unique. This course places you at the center of your recovery and journey, allowing you the space to learn how to connect with yourself as a means to shifting your relationship with alcohol and life.

In the end, this is not really about alcohol. It is about compassionately understanding how alcohol serves you and slowly and intentionally beginning to meet and heal those underlying wounds and needs.

Each week we will dive into an aspect of connecting with yourself. 

You are not broken. You do not need someone to tell you what to do. You need more support. And someone to hold up a mirror to see how beautiful you are. You can learn to trust yourself and understand that you are not broken. 

I have seen the power of recovery in community. I am reminded that there is no substitute for being seen, heard, and held in community. 

Whole Self Recovery is for anyone who identifies as being in recovery - trying to get one day sober or three years sober.

At the end of this program, you will: 

  • Understand how self-compassion can start your road to sustainable recovery 
  • Learn the underlying coping mechanisms that prevent you from connecting to yourself and others 
  • Meet other folks in recovery 
  • Tools, routines, and rituals to support your recovery in a compassionate way 

    About Christina 

    My work as a coach over the last four years brings me so much joy, and it is an honor to support you based on the 1x1 work I’ve done. Whole Self Recovery is created by all of us together. I am not selling a cutesy version of recovery. My path has not been easy. The only thing that’s given me relief is being supported in community. 

    "This group was valuable because it gave me the intimacy and support I needed. Christina put together individuals that could connect and have a meaningful two months together. The smaller group setting was great because I could not HIDE...I had to participate and take up space. I am grateful for the experience, and I love you to death. You are an amazing leader." 


    During Whole Self Recovery, you'll get: 

    • 8 weeks/16 Live Calls. Calls are not recorded 
    • Weekly themes to support your recovery journey
    • Structured homework and journal prompts
    • Email and text access to Christina (with clearly defined boundaries)
    • Discounted price on 1:1 coaching with Christina following the program

      "The 8-week program was key to understanding myself and my relationship with alcohol. I identified my “why” - why making this change was important to me. I learned how to treat myself with compassion and be my biggest cheerleader.  I started to reconnect with activities and small things that gave me joy.  I finally understood that I wasn’t broken and there was hope. The program was never an overwhelming process; it was tiny steps in a direction that put me on the path to my truth.  I still meet with Christina, and the foundations from the 8-week program continue to click into place in meaningful ways to this day. Truthfully, parts of my journey are scary and sad, but some are stunningly beautiful. My work with Christina has been and continues to be an awakening. If this feels like the right path for you, it’s completely worth the work. If you feel shame or feel broken or if you are simply curious about changing your relationship with alcohol, I highly, highly, highly recommend Whole Self Recovery."



      8 weeks 
      $3,000 paid in full
      $1,500 x 2 payment plan. First payment due upon sign up 

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